Hrad Šternberk v aplikaci Smart Guide

Průvodcovské texty pro zahraniční návštěvníky hradu Šternberk v aplikaci SmartGuide.
Zahraniční návštěvníci mohou využít služby aplikace Smart Guide, kde jsou pro ně připravené průvodcovské texty pro první dva okruhy hradu Šternberk v cizích jazycích. K dispozici jsou:
- angličtina
- němčina
- poština
- francoužtina
- ruština
Aplikaci mohou získat v APP Store nebo na Google Play zdarma.
Czech castles on its way to digitalization
Sternberk Castle started offering SmartGuide in June 2019
The award winning startup,SmartGuide,is a platform for publishing modern audio guides that guide travelers based on geolocation. It also tells them engaging stories about the places they visit.
SmartGuide already covers almost 100 attractions globally (one fifth are located in the Czech Republic).
SmartGuide recently rolled out the 1st phase of the digitization project of historical sites, castles, and indoor attractions in the Czech republic. Sternberk Castle is among the first to sign the partnership!
The overall effort is in line with the Czech state and CzechTourism office’s strategy to focus on and promotes the Digital Economy and Society. SmartGuide hopes to contribute to the perception of the Czech Republic as tourist-friendly and as an app that promotes and utilizes technologically advanced destinations. The application brings huge cost saving benefits to all sites and attractions and is instrumental in tourism management (advising tourists on interesting new locations and allowing for even distribution of people across many locations, relieving overcrowded centers). The audio tours can be published in many foreign languages without putting extra strain on sites to provide live foreign speaking guides.
Sternberk Castle currently offers 2 audio tours in 5 foreign languages. The audio tours are free and available to foreign tourists as well as locals.
The app promotes history in a very user-friendly fashion. It also has additional benefits such as the ability to allow students to test their foreign language skills by listening to audio tours before or after their visit to Sternberk Castle.